By Ginny Schaeffer, Director, Angela Merici Center
A Marshall County High School teacher shares her experience:
“Here is what I want people to know about this past Tuesday at MCHS. Evil entered our building that morning and tried to destroy us, but God was there throughout it all. God was there to lead two precious souls home. God was there when students helped students escape, God was there when the administration, faculty and staff sheltered and aided students. God was there when He guided the first responders. God was there when students ran into local businesses for shelter and aid. God was there in our darkest hour. The only prayer I could say at that time, was Oh, dear God. He knew the rest. Evil may have entered our school but God was there and He conquered the evil a thousand times over. Evil will not win, not in our school or our community!” #MarshallStrong
–Becky Phelps
A week ago today a 15-year-old student opened fire on his fellow students at Marshall County High School. Two 15-year-old students were killed, more than a dozen others were shot and more were wounded in the mayhem to escape. Becky Phelps is a teacher at MCHS who was in close proximity to the shooting. She has shared her experience of that morning. May her ending declaration be true for all of us and our communities.
—Ginny Schaeffer, Director, Angela Merici Center
photo credit: Nicole Erwin, WKMS
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