I treasure the experience of hanging ornaments on my Christmas tree each year. I have a couple of nostalgic ornaments from our family tree of many years ago – a plastic icicle and an angel standing on a glittery grey plastic bell.
There are the cute ones I made (sometimes with Mom) out of matchsticks, yarn or pipe cleaners, peanuts or soldier clothespins…then there are the fancier ones made of silver, ceramics, pottery, or pressed tin. Most of these are gifts from friends or persons I ministered to or with over the years.
I have a memento ornament from each of the places I have visited—China, Peru, Germany, Israel, Italy and Australia—and Hawaii too! There are also an abundance of angels and nativity scenes among my collection. I love them all because of the memories of family, friends and faith.
The one that caught my attention this year is a white ceramic dove in flight with the word “peace” emblazoned on its breast. This ornament held my attention and moved me to reflect on the promise of peace proclaimed at Jesus’ birth. It also reminded me of the lack of peace in many places in our world and in our own country.
I invite each of us to pray, to implore of our good giver of peace, Jesus Christ, to help us individually and as a nation to find ways to make peace and be peace in every corner of our existence.
Wishing you a blessed Merry Christmas,
Sister Ruth Ann Haunz, OSU
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