When the Ursuline Sisters first came to Louisville in 1858, their primary mission was to provide Catholic education. Throughout their history, the Sisters staffed, administered in or operated numerous parish grade schools, high schools in Kentucky and other states, as well as Ursuline College in Louisville.

To organize a reunion for Ursuline Academy (Louisville) or Ursuline College (Louisville), please contact Kim Bradley, Manager of Donor Relations, at (502) 515-7523, or via email at [email protected].

To organize a reunion for Angela Merici High School, contact contact Jackie Loftus at (502) 447-4363 or via email at  [email protected]

Join your classmates on Facebook!

Sacred Heart Academy

For planning a reunion at Sacred Heart Academy, please contact Megan Brumleve Theisen at (502) 736-6408 or via email at [email protected]