The Motherhouse is undergoing a renovation to add a new, handicapped accessible front entrance. The construction workers, supervisors, Ursuline Sisters and staff gathered on June 21, the summer solstice, for a blessing by Sister Janet M. Peterworth, president of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville.
O God, please bless this building project that we begin today. It will provide a home for Sacred Heart Schools and the Ursuline Sisters. Let this site provide growth, development, relaxation and enjoyment for the many who serve here and the many who will visit here. Please provide all of the wisdom and resources that we will need to renovate this facility safely and with great care. We thank you that you have provided adequate funding, competent professionals, and skilled laborers to move forward with this project.
As these workers enter this workplace, go with them. Let them speak your peace, your graciousness, and your mercy while on this jobsite. God, we thank you for the gifts you have blessed these workers with. Help them to use their gifts responsibly and safely as they reshape this building for a new use. Give them a fresh supply of strength to do their jobs. Help them to realize that every part of this project, every idea that they bring to it and every bit of energy—even the smallest bit—brings you glory.
Lord, when these workers are confused guide them, when they are weary, energize them, when they are burned out, infuse them with new light. May the work that they do and the way they do it bring joy and a smile to all they may contact in their work here. Bless the families of these workers and allow the workers to go home to them each day free from accident or hurt.
And, Lord, finally we thank you for everything you’ve done, everything you’re doing and everything you are going to do here on this Lexington Road Campus. Amen.
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