On August 11, 2024, The Ursuline Sisters of Louisville attended a celebration that the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph held for the 150th anniversary of the first five Ursuline Sisters arriving at what became known as Maple Mount on August 15, 1874. Bishop William Medley of the Diocese of Owensboro presided over a Mass honoring this milestone, noting that the then–Ursuline Sisters of Louisville “came in obedience” at the invitation of Father Paul Volk to educate local children.
During the Mass, the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville’s Leadership Council processed in, with one member carrying a photo of Mother Aloysius Willett, the first mother superior after the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph became an autonomous community in 1912.
As part of the anniversary celebration, at a lunch that followed Mass, Sister Jean Anne Zappa, president of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, read some encouraging words for the Sisters. The Ursuline Sisters of Louisville gifted the Mount Saint Joseph Ursulines with a compilation of writings and reflections by the late Ursuline Sister of Louisville, Martha Buser, titled “All About Love: Reflections over the decades with Saint Angela Merici.”
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