By Sister Ruth Ann Haunz, OSU


It’s Christmas, and I love the season.

I want to write about “Joy to the World” and “Deck the Halls” and “Silent Night;” however, I am blocked! I want to experience the joy, decorate not only the halls but every room, and encounter the peace of silent nights.

Joy to the world—I look at the news and I hear national leaders calling others childish names; accounts of senseless mass shootings; people fleeing from their homelands because of ethnic or religious purging. Joy to the World?

Deck the Halls—I watch devastating fires, crippling rain or snow storms; bombed out shelters (homes) with no walls to Deck.

Silent Night—I feel the chaos and noise of consumerism, frantic purchasing, and blaring clamor seeking my attention. Silent Night?

I seep into the cliché, “the reason for the season,” and my blocks get whittling attention. I am gently touched by a larger spirit of the Christ presence in our imperfect world. I make room for the joy, and the decked rooms, and the sweet silence of presence in my heart. Thank you, Jesus.

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,

which means “God is with us.”
MT 1:23