Spiritual direction is offered by several of our Ursuline Sisters of Louisville. For a list of Sisters who offer spiritual direction,
contact Jan Crawley: [email protected] or call (502) 896-3948.

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is the opportunity to meet with someone who has been trained to listen deeply, with compassion, without judgement and to accept a person wherever she/he is in life. The direction comes through that listening.

The foundational belief in spiritual direction is that God, the Source of all that is, the Ground of our being is present with us in every situation of our lives—the good, the horrific, the mundane and everything in-between. A spiritual director is someone who can help you “take a long, loving look” at what is real in your life and to catch glimpses of God’s presence and invitations. It is through these glimpses that a person gleans direction.

Do you…

…have questions or doubts that you would like to talk to someone about without feeling judged or criticized?
…yearn for a deeper relationship with the Divine but realize what used to work for you no longer does?
…wonder where God is in your life because of disappointments, grief, fears and hurts that you have experienced?
…sometimes wonder about the purpose of your life, what gives your life meaning and direction?
…want to nurture your spiritual life whether you are part of a religious tradition or not?
If so, you might consider spiritual direction.

Spiritual directors will:

  • have undergone formation as a spiritual director
  • tend to their own spiritual life through prayer, other spiritual practices and receiving spiritual direction for themselves
  • continue their formation as a spiritual director via ongoing education and supervision
  • adhere to an ethical code